SMALL IS THE NEW BIG: Millennials Drive Self-Storage Market
SIRI SAYS: Lessons CRE Can Learn from Apple and Google - Give Control to Your Customers and Get Out of the Way
THE NEW, NEW DEAL: A Tale of the Capital Markets, CRE, and the State of the Economy in One Act
CONTAGIOUS INDECISION: As D.C. Wrings Its Hands Over the Debt Ceiling, Capital Markets Develop a Case of Anxiety
Please Don't Double Dip
Urban Office Lives!!...
The Aggregate Watch 2Q 2011
Colliers Conquers the Mountain!
2011 is Off with a Bang!
iDo Wish You a Happy Holiday Season
A Capital Thanksgiving
Greetings from Music City!
The Endless Bummer's Almost Over?!?!
Tonight we’re gonna Proforma like it’s 1995
Ice Age III
World Beat
Old Habits Die Hard
The Sultan of Quan
CoStar: Scarcity Premium Seen Driving Current Cap Rate Compression
Fear and Greed in Los Angeles
CISG's Olympic Investment Sales Team
CA Real Estate Journal: Timing Matters
Greenpearl: Distressed Real Estate Summit
So Cal Office Market Overview
The Aggregate Watch: 1Q 2010
SCDF 20th Annual Real Estate and Economy Forum
Top 5 Tips for Sucessful Investments in 2010
Economics 101: People Respond to Incentives
Economics 101: People Respond to Incentives
We're Turning Japanese
We're Turning Japanese
The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
They're Ba-ack
Preaching to the Corus
The Aggregate Watch
The Long and Winding Road
The Long and Winding Road
Barbarians at the Gate
Barbarians at the Gate
On My Honor, I Will Try...
Deal or No Deal
Deal or No Deal
Patience is a bitter plant but it has sweet fruit
Patience is a bitter plant but it has sweet fruit
Seller Financing Gets Creative
Market Observations, A Correspondance
Market Observations, A Correspondance
A Hole New Strategy
A Hole New Strategy
Man's Gold Sachs
Man's Gold Sachs
August Aggregate: Corporate Lease Accounting
Tiger becomes a pussycat.....what it means for the economy and commercial real estate
Tiger becomes a pussycat.....what it means for the economy and commercial real estate
And now we play the waiting game
Where have all the Smiles gone?
July Aggregate
Lucy...You got some 'splaining to do!
Danger: falling shoes ahead
Danger: falling shoes ahead
Lady Leverage
Be the whale not the penguin
Bats Always Turn Left
Colliers Goes Back to the Napkin
Colliers Goes Back to the Napkin
The Lehman Rises!
Unemployed I-Banker Discovers Karma
Infografics from GOOD are GREAT
Wither goes West LA rents and values?
Wither goes West LA rents and values?
Aggregate Watch Survey
Mind the Gap
The finances of single family residences: a 30 year look
The Great Recapitalization of 2010
Based on the Clock, Tell us,
Introducing The New Nexus
Introducing The New Nexus
The Aggregate Watch
I Got You Babe!
Seeds of hope or wishful thinking?
Seeds of hope or wishful thinking?
What time is it?
What time is it?
Buyer Closes First 7% Cap Walgreen’s in Southern California
Is Korean Air just a bunch of hot air?
Is Korean Air just a bunch of hot air?
"Dawn of the Dead"
The New Reality
Visibility to Value
The Raven, by Thomas Galvin
Can Downtown Los Angeles Survive Residential Armageddon?
Can Downtown Los Angeles Survive Residential Armageddon?
Let the recapitalizations begin
Let the recapitalizations begin
"I'm mad as hell"
"I'm mad as hell"
The countdown has begun
The countdown has begun
The countdown has begun
The countdown has begun
Where has all the Value Gone?
Where has all the Value Gone?
A few photos from the Young Leaders Forum Thank you to ULI for inviting me to speak. I had a great time.
Whither the Bellwether?
How to lease a building and keep it leased in a recession
“Golden Rule” vs “Zimbabwe Dollars”
“Golden Rule” vs “Zimbabwe Dollars”
You Digg?
You Digg?
Heretical Rule
Heretical Rule
The Capital Markets Blair Witch
The Capital Markets Blair Witch
Total Vacancy hits 2003 levels
Total Vacancy hits 2003 levels
Fred B. Cordova, III
Fred B. Cordova, III
My Photo
is a native Angeleno and real estate entrepreneur. During his 25 year career he has purchased, sold, leased and developed more than $5.5 billion of real estate. CA License # 01279582
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